Exercise & Movement Rx

– in –

Modern Clinical Practice

Modernize your knowledge and strengthen your practice with an injection of education exploring exercise and movement in a biopsychosocial framework.

Upcoming Live Courses

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Live Online Course – 2025 September 27 & 28
Early Bird Rate!


All health care professionals know that exercise and movement can benefit most every case that they encounter, but often lack the knowledge, skills, or confidence to prescribe them. (Barton 2021)

79% of health care professionals who responded to the Barton (2021) survey believed opportunity for professional development affected their ability to prescribe exercise.

Enter this course.

We will explore the prescription of exercise and movement from different angles and perspectives, becoming comfortable in its vastness and learning many simple ways to apply it in practice.

The foundational concepts of modern clinical practice are constantly evolving, as is the evidence base from which they emerge.

We will discuss what these foundational concepts are, their relevance, and how you can incorporate them into your practice.

Course Description

This two-day, 14-hour course is for health care professionals who are looking to gain skills and confidence in helping people via ‘modalities’ other than manual or electro therapy.

It is for musculoskeletal (MSK) clinicians of all levels of experience who are looking to better understand and incorporate more exercise and movement prescription into their practice.

This course is for those who wish to explore and learn the multitude of ways patient ‘education’ can be used to positively impact outcomes.

It is for those who are keen to level up their practice by getting up to speed on the biopsychosocial model, pain science, person-centered care, evidence-based medicine, and other clinically relevant concepts of modern MSK practice.

To the benefit of your patients, you will learn information and skills that you will be able to apply immediately in your practice.

Though I do teach you some exercises throughout the course, this course’s primary aim is not to increase your exercise database. The primary aim of this course is to inform you of the latest guidelines and principles related to exercise and movement prescription in modern, evidence-based musculoskeletal health care.


You will be given access to PDF’s of seminal research papers pertaining to the course.

You will be given a pdf version of the course PowerPoint slide deck.


CMTBC – Online and In Person both approved for 14 PE credits in Cycle 12 and Cycle 13

CATA – Online and In-Person both approved for 5.6 CEUs

CMMOTA – Online and In-Person both approved for 15 CECs

MTAS – Online and In-Person both approved for 14 Primary Credits

MTAA – Online and In-Person both approved for 17 Primary Credits

MTAM – Online and In-Person both approved for 14 Core Credits

*If you would like me to apply for credits from a governing body that is not listed here, please email me at [email protected]

**Though there is a clinical approach to the course, Strength and Conditioning Coaches and Personal Trainers are more than welcome.


You can receive a full refund up to 14 days before the course start date. Cancellations within 14 days will receive a credit toward a different course date. There is a $30 admin fee for order changes. There is a $50 admin fee for all cancellations.

Hosting an In-Person Course

If you are interested in hosting my course in-person, please email [email protected] to discuss and sort out an arrangement. Thank you.

Course Outline

Day 1 – 8:30am – 4:30pm PST

AM 1

Foundations of Modern Clinical Practice
Biopsychosocial Model, Person-Centred Care, Evidence-Based Practice, Clinical Reasoning, Patient and Clinician Beliefs.


AM 2

Macro Perspective on Human Physiology
Principles of Human Physiology, Physiological Principles of Conditioning, Mechanotransduction, Natural Aging Process.


PM 1

Macro Perspective on Pain – Inflammation – Injury
Pain Science, Kinesiopathological Model vs. Adaptation Model, Role of Biomechanics.


PM 2

Macro Perspective on Reducing Rate of Injury & Rehabilitation
“Load Management”, Primary & Secondary Benefits of Exercise, The ‘Education’ Modality, The Shotgun Approach to Case Management.

Day 2 – 8:30am – 4:30pm PST

AM 1

Communication, History & Assessment – Applications
The Power of Words, Who is the person in front of me?, Rule Out Red Flags, Treat the Person, Not the Scan.


AM 2

Exercise & Movement Rx – Applications Part I
Adaptation Model – Rehabilitation Guidelines, When Not To Nudge Into Pain, When to Begin Rehabilitation


PM 1

Exercise & Movement Rx – Applications Part II
Choice of Exercise/Movement/Activity, Prescribing & Adjusting Load, Monitoring & Evaluating, Adapting the Plan, Follow-Up, Adherence.


PM 2

Exercise & Movement Rx – Applications Part III
Detailed Case Studies.

Upcoming Courses

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Live Online Course – 2025 September 27 & 28
Early Bird Rate!


General FAQ

  • Why didn’t I receive an email confirmation of my registration and a receipt of payment?
    This is most likely because your email service provider filtered my email to your ‘Spam’/’Junk’ folder. Please look in there for the confirmation email before contacting me. If it is in there, please designate the email as ‘not spam’. The other possibility is that you misspelled your email address when registering. In this case you will need to contact me to provide your correct email – [email protected]
  • When will I find out all the detailed course logistics?
    You will receive an email three days before the course with all the detailed course logistics. In that same email there will be a link to the pdf version of the PowerPoint slide deck as well as a link to a folder in my Google Drive titled ‘Journal Articles’ that gives you access to many journals articles pertaining to the course.
  • Why didn’t I receive the email with the detailed course logistics?
    This is most likely because your email service provider filtered my email to your ‘Spam’/’Junk’ folder. Please look in there for the email before contacting me. If it is in there, please designate the email as ‘not spam’ or enter me into your contacts or change whatever setting your email service provider uses to designate my email address as safe. The other possibility is that you misspelled your email address when registering. In this case you will need to contact me to provide your correct email – [email protected]
  • What time does the course run each day?
    The course runs from 8:30am – 4:30pm PST on day 1 and day 2 with an hour break for lunch.
  • Is there a difference between the in-person and online versions of the course?
    No there is not. The exact same material is delivered in both versions of the course. Personally, I feel like courses in-person make discussion somewhat easier, but I have found discussion in the online course to be great. Online there is the added feature of the ‘Chat’ box where participants can ‘instant message’ each other and make comments about the material as I am presenting.

Live/Online FAQ

  • How will the course be delivered?
    We will be using Google Meet for the course. It is Google’s version of Zoom. If you are going to be taking the course on your computer, you do not need to download anything. Any modern browser will suffice. A computer will provide your best viewing experience.
    If you are going to take the course on your phone or tablet you will need to download the Google Meet mobile app. You can do this from whatever app store you use on your phone or tablet. Two examples are the Apple app store and Google Play app store.
    Note: You do not need to have a Google account or a Gmail account to attend the course or access the files that I provide!
  • Do I need a webcam and microphone?
    You do not ‘need’ a webcam or microphone, but without them your course experience will be limited as you will not be able to participate in discussions or breakout rooms. I would recommend having a microphone at the very least.
  • Do I need a ‘body’ or any equipment?
    You will not need a ‘body’ or any equipment to complete the course.
  • What time zone do the times listed in the course outline apply to?
    Pacific Standard Time (PST)